Daily Devotional for October 10-16
Sunday Genesis 50: 15When Joseph’s brothers saw their father was dead, they said, “Perhaps Joseph will hate us, and may actually repay us for all the evil we did to...
Orthodox Quote for October 9
“There are truths in Christianity that are above out intellectual comprehension, incapable of being grasped by the finite mind of man. Our intellect takes cognizance of them, becomes convinced...
Orthodox Quote for October 8
“Man’s condition before the Fall involved creation in grace, participating in the Divine Energies but not Essence, with the potential for deification. Adam and Eve were “conditionally immortal.” Their...
Orthodox Quote for October 7
“Man himself can make his life be paradisiacal, if only he would allow God to govern his life as a good Father. Man must have trust in God, have...
Orthodox Quote for October 6
“Love for our enemies is not easy, but we must pray, read the Holy Scriptures, coerce ourselves, and be patient in dealing with those who hurt us.” (Metropolitan Onuphry...
Orthodox Quote for October 5
“Blessed is he who endures until the end, disregarding everything, who through forbearance decreases the thorns and thistles and allows earthly loss for the sake of heavenly riches. For...
Orthodox Quote for October 4
“The character of children is formed not only by words and advice, but also by the life and example of their parents. In this sense, parents are called to...
Orthodox Quote for October 3
“After steadying your mind, think Who He is, to Whom you address in prayer, then recollect who you are; who it is who is about to start this invocation...
Daily Devotional for October 3 – 9
Sunday **Spiritual themes from the Old Testament** Genesis 22:1 Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham! Abraham!” And he...
Orthodox Quote for October 2
“Did you really speak to God in the church or you were just playing with Him… If I see that you remain insolent, greedy, selfish, irritable, insulting, jealous, chatty,...