Orthodox Quote for September 22
“Only God provides true consolation during sorrows. This is why a person who doesn’t believe in the true life, who doesn’t believe in God to ask for His mercy...
Orthodox Quote for September 21
“The source of forgiving our neighbors, of not judging them, is included in seeing (acknowledging) our sins.” (St Tikhon of Moscow, Homily During Lent)
Orthodox Quote for September 20
‘The ability to tolerate one’s neighbor is the wisdom of life. One should perceive one’s neighbor as he is. Do you want him to be better? Pray for him....
Orthodox Quote for September 19
“If we are not characterized by the unadulterated love of Christ, in vain do we run, in which case all hope of salvation is lost.” (Elder Ephraim ‘Counsels from...
Daily Devotional for September 19-25
Sunday St. Nikolai Velimirovich on God as the ‘Subject’… “To have one’s sins forgiven and to be cleansed of passion to be untied from the world and in one’s...
Orthodox Quote for September 18
“Follow alms giving before all things…Take not food until you are hungry…Do not sleep until you feel the not except on business.” (Rule of St. Columba 7th century)
Orthodox Quote for September 17
“When irritation comes upon you, only repeat: ‘Lord, have mercy!’ Seek strength in prayer and consolation in #8221; (Elder Nectarius of Optina, from collected quotes)
Orthodox Quote for September 16
“Collusion with evil means, in the final analysis, working for evil…Submission means acknowledging evil. And although Christ said of himself that he was ‘gentle and lowly of heart’ [Matt....
Orthodox Quote for September 15
“We look around and see that many Orthodox people are simply, totally worldly and do not think about the higher side of their Faith. They take it for granted....
Orthodox Quote for September 14
“God’s mercy for people is shown in everything, but they don’t see it and can’t understand it. The Lord never commits evil. But people look at His works as...