Daily Devotional for September 5-11
Sunday John 19:28 After this, Jesus, knowing* that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst!” 29 Now a vessel full...
Orthodox Quote for September 4
“When holy things, such as icons, the temple, are censed, that censing is directed toward God, giving Him due honor and glory. When the censer is turned toward people,...
Orthodox Quote for September 3
“The highest being on earth, man, were he not destined everlastingly to glorify the eternal God, and were he not immortal, the earth would be a sorrowful spectacle of...
Orthodox Quote for September 2
“What is the ailment of people after the fall? Chrysostom says that it’s a lack of self-sufficiency. Neither the man nor the woman are ‘self-sustaining’. In both cases, their...
Orthodox Quote for September 1
“In childhood they never had down-to-earth contact, either with spiritual life or simply with the seriousness of living from one day to the next. That is one of the...
Orthodox Quote for August 30
“When we use wisely the time which we have set aside for prayer—both our daily private prayer and our common prayer in church—and actually participate in prayer to the...
Orthodox Quote for August 30
“In the parish, everything belongs to everyone, and even if we have our personal efforts and temptations, the way we approach them can contribute to the work of strengthening...
Orthodox Quote for August 29
“Whatever prevents us from facing reality is a threat to our spiritual well-being. If we only accept ‘facts’ that we agree with, then we are choosing to blind ourselves...
Orthodox Quote for August 27
“The Christian education of children and young people should not be limited to the transmission of intellectual information, but will aim, in particular, for the moral and spiritual formation...
Daily Devotional for August 29 – September 5
Sunday *Quote from Orthodox Elders this week Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi+ on Rewards of Struggle… “Our Lord promises to those who wish to follow Him with the appropriate self...