Orthodox Quote for March 19
“Few people here look at the greatness of our nation from this perspective. They usually talk about material wealth, the might of the army, some external political matters, the...
Orthodox Quote for March 18
“Every soul is a pearl. Everything depends on how it is polished. And the polishing — that is what spiritual life is, spiritual effort.” (Fr Alexander Men+, teachings on...
Orthodox Quote for March 17
“It was not by my own grace, but God who overcame it in me, and resisted them all so that I could come to the peoples of Ireland to...
Orthodox Quote for March 16
“If you thought of something without your mind, it is yours. However, if you thought of it with your mind, it is God’s, since your mind is a creation...
Orthodox Quote for March 15
“In all the passing moments scattered in the day, when we chose selfishness or disobey God in our conscience, the deposit of silt builds up. We put up...
Orthodox Quote for March 14
“From the moment we acknowledge that we may not have the right judgment and say, “I risk making mistakes because my judgment is simply logical and lacks divine enlightenment;...
Daily Devotional for March 14-20
Sunday Psalm 50 (David’s prayer of repentance…spread out over several nights for the start of Lent) Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the...
Orthodox Quote for March 13
“We are accustomed to the works of God, and therefore value them but little; we do not, for instance, value even man as we ought to—that greatest work and...
Orthodox Quote for March 11
“As with most everything, there are positives and negatives on why we do what we do, and monasticism is no exception. The primary reason a man or woman becomes...
Orthodox Quote for March 10
“Here is the luminous teaching of our Savior: Thy will be done. (Matt. 6:10). Whoever sincerely pronounces this prayer leaves his own will and puts all things in the...