Orthodox Quote for January 16
“The love of God with all your heart and all your strength…The love of your neighbors as yourself…Live in the Testament of God throughout all times.” (Rule of St....
Orthodox Quote for January 15
“If he lives a pure life, keeping the commandments and taking Communion regularly, the evil one can’t harm him. However, if he commits sins or if he is lukewarm,...
Orthodox Quote for January 14
“Make the time each day to read the prayers from the Orthodox Prayer Book, as well as other Akathists that are available in published form or on-line. Turn off...
Orthodox Quote for January 13
“If someone wants to sin, he sins; if he does not, he doesn’t. The devil only puts the ideas in our minds, so if someone is foolish and deceived,...
Orthodox Quote for January 12
“There is no liberation or justice here on earth, in societies run by broken men and women. So long as we are left to our own, the only thing...
Orthodox Quote for January 11
“When the mind forgets the purpose of Christian life, then even the clear fulfillment of virtue becomes profitless.” (St. Mark the Ascetic, Homilies)
Orthodox Quote for January 10
“Do not say that faith in Christ alone can save you, for this is not possible if you do not attain love for Him, which is demonstrated by deeds....
Daily Devotional for January 10-17
Sunday Mark 9:38 Now John answered Him, saying, “Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because...
Orthodox Quote for January 9
“The Resurrection of Christ is the main and defining event in the history of the Christian faith: ‘If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain...
Orthodox Quote for January 8
“We want the government to act peaceably towards us so that we, in their tranquility, may lead a calm and peaceful life in all godliness and sanctity. The prayer is...