Orthodox Quote for September 21
“Love toward God should be higher for us than love toward any human.” (St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite)
Orthodox Quote for September 20
“…how few of them feel the blessed influence of a Christian home! Young men and young women are continually “on the go,” as they say. And this “go” is...
Daily Devotional for September 20-28
Sunday Chronological Bible Continued… John 2: On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Now both...
Orthodox Quote for September 19
“Today we need more than ever to be reminded of this apostolic nature and function of the Church, and of the apostolic vocation of each of us as members...
Orthodox Quote for September 18
“The Divine Light illumines the pure heart and the pure intellect, because these are susceptible to receiving light; whereas impure hearts and intellects, not being susceptible to receiving illumination,...
Orthodox Quote for September 17
“However, if you did it with your body, it is God’s, since your body is a creation of God. If you thought of something without your mind, it is...
Orthodox Quote for September 16
“…the existence of a Christian loses its meaning if he lives by outward Christianity alone. He creates only the outward appearance of a believer—a shadow and a poor excuse...
Orthodox Quote for September 15
“His wisdom and mercy, the Heavenly Father subjects our soul and body to grievous afflictions and sicknesses, and this is why we must not only patiently endure these afflictions...
Orthodox Quote for September 14
“Orthodoxy is a faith that is recognized by how we live it, by how we act, by how we behave ourselves. Orthodoxy is a way of life.” (Patriarch Pavle+...
Orthodox Quote for September 13
“The US was never so divided as today—only during the Civil War of 1861-1865. But then there was a clear border between the North and the South, while today’s...