Orthodox Quote for August 25
“The Church is a divine religious institution of the New Testament, built by our Savior Jesus Christ through His incarnate Dispensation…In this institution is entrusted the totality of revealed...
Orthodox Quote for August 24
“Some fear that, having begun to serve God and to live piously, they will become abnormal in the eyes of society, black sheep. But that’s very good! A pious...
Orthodox Quote for August 23
“Why is it, you ask, that one can pray for so many years with a prayer book, and still not have prayer in his heart? I think the reason...
Daily Devotional for August 23 – 29
Sunday 1 Corinthinan 12:1… Concerning spiritual gifts, I would not have you ignorant. Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led....
Orthodox Quote for August 22
“As the years pass we can look back on times, events, and changes in our lives that were difficult, even tragic, when they occurred. Whether those events were beyond...
Orthodox Quote for August 21
“In the ambulance, I asked how they managed to arrive so quickly. No more than two or three minutes had passed…It turns out they had received a fake call...
Orthodox Quote for August 20
“If you eat even a tiny crumb of the holy bread in the morning it will bless you the entire day.” (Elder Cleopha+ on using prosphora taken home from...
Orthodox Quote for August 19
“I think that we must understand how important it is to lead a spiritual life. This doesn’t only mean Sunday services, but our thoughts, our daily actions, every hour of...
Orthodox Quote for August 18
“Put your trust in God the Creator, and therefore do not fear anyone or anything. God is your shield and your protection. He who trusts in God will never...
Orthodox Quote for August 17
“A habit of absentminded, inattentive and careless prayer breeds a coldness towards God, dejection, a weakening of the faith and a darkening of the mind, and these in their...