Orthodox Quote for August 16
“I have often been asked if we are evangelical in nature. My answer has always been the same “if what you mean by evangelical is passing out tracts and...
Daily Devotional for August 16-22
Sunday 1 Corinthinan 1:6…. I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were...
Orthodox Quote for August 15
“… books on Orthodox spiritual life. These include the Lausiac History (which tells about how the monks lived in Egypt, and how they fought spiritually), the Dialogues of St....
Orthodox Quote for August 27
“What holds the church together is the holy Eucharist, communion in the Body and Blood of Christ. That is the essential thing that the Church does and which nobody...
Orthodox Quote for August 14
“No external factors should control us to the extent that they become a basis for anger or irritation.” (Archpriest Victor Potapov on Anger, )
Orthodox Quote for August 13
“Judgment of our neighbor drives away the activity of the Holy Spirit. In difficult situations, like prison, evening (night) prayer is very helpful. Let us pray to the Good...
Orthodox Quote for August 12
“If we do not show love through our deeds—not only in words—in vain do we labor in our struggle, for we are beating the air and are straying from...
Orthodox Quote for August 11
“Freeing ourselves from sin is not an immediate but a gradual process which resembles growing up. Through our perseverance, the purification of the heart is attained to slowly and...
Orthodox Quote for August 10
“The other religions are human, hollow. They do not know the greatness of the Triune God. They do not know that our aim, our destiny, is to become gods...
Orthodox Quote for August 9
“Many people take no account of their own gifts; they see only the gifts of others and are overcome by envy. They view themselves as having been wronged, as...