Orthodox Quote for May 12
“The wisdom that is from above has other distinctive features. Take a look at James 3:17: First of all, it is pure. Second, it is peaceable. Third, it is gentle. Fourth, it is...
Orthodox Quote for May 11
“Therefore let us remember what fidelity and devotion mean, and what a clean conscience means. The holy women did everything in order to show attention to their Teacher. Fearing...
Orthodox Quote for May 10
“The fact that believers are sometimes indistinguishable from non-believers and in some cases are even worse than them is probably one of the main tragedies of contemporary Christianity. Non-believers...
Daily Devotional for Mary 10-16
Sunday 1 Peter 2:11 Dearly beloved: I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; having your conversation honest among the Gentiles:...
Orthodox Quote for May 9
“…the knowledge of the world comes to man through these misguided senses, misguided because they no longer perceive things as they truly are, but as the tempter and deceiver...
Orthodox Quote for May 8
“When we look at an icon, as we commonly say, we are looking at a window to heaven! We are seeing through the paint and the wood, to the...
Orthodox Quote for May 7
“To stand before the holy icons, to bow and prostrate oneself, to read the prayers out loud and to remember the names of our loved ones, takes time and...
Orthodox Quote for May 6
“Each Christian has the need to read Holy Scripture, yet each Christian does not also have the authority or ability to teach and interpret the words of Scripture. This...
Orthodox Quote for May 5
“The Church, then, has prevailed over many persecutors and many heretics. The Church is also each one of us who has become a house of God. For if we...
Orthodox Quote for May 4
“‘No, I do not believe that Christ has been resurrected from the tomb. That would be just as impossible as to have white eggs suddenly turn #8217; And what happened? As...