Orthodox Quote for May 3
“How many Psalms do I know “by heart”? How many of our Lord’s parables and teachings? Picture myself in a prison: which texts, psalms, and hymns can I employ?...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for May 3 – 9
Sunday 1Peter 2: 19 Dearly beloved: This is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye be...
Orthodox Quote for May 2
“What is the Church for them? What is the Church? Is it a union? Is it a supermarket?… Is it worse than the supermarket? Is it worse than the...
Orthodox Quote for May 1
“We know everything in this world passes with time – nothing stays the same. So, we must look elsewhere for stability and comfort. There can be no better comfort...
Orthodox Quote for April 30
“The world today, and especially the West, is more and more inclined toward secular, worldly life. This means that in its life it departs from the scope of God...
Orthodox Quote for April 29
“During our earthly lives, we need to make sure we have a decent garment for our souls. Our soul garments are soiled by sin. You must repent immediately after...
Orthodox Quote for April 28
“If I want to help someone, I need to help him with mercy; I have to have mercy for him, and everything I say to him must be said...
Orthodox Quote for April 27
“Christian religion is not a certain philosophic system, about which learned men, trained in metaphysical studies, argue and then either espouse or reject, according to the opinion each one...
Orthodox Quote for April 26
“… Some will say that it’s the physical act that is sinful… Jesus corrected those who thought just that when he expounded the fact that adultery began in the...
Daily Devotional for April 26 – May 2
Sunday 1 John 5: Dearly beloved: Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world,even our faith. Who is he that overcometh...