Orthodox Quote for May 16
“When you fall, get up again…Until the end of your life, whether you be found in the commendable attempt at lifting yourself up from sin or falling again to...
Orthodox Quote for May 15
“Many people, Christians included, refuse to accept the existence of the devil. The demonic, however, is something that cannot be denied. I believe that the devil exists and, indeed,...
Orthodox Quote for May 14
“From man’s conception he has intellect, reason and spirit. Intellect is the Father, reason is the Son and spirit is the divine Comforter.” (Elder Anthimos+, teachings)
Orthodox Quote for May 13
“…you realize there is a problem, you sigh over it and then you pray. This is very important. Before you even pick up the telephone receiver, even before you...
Orthodox Quote for May 12
“‘On Earth, as it is in Heaven’: for the Orthodox Christian, every day is Earth Day…Perhaps the strongest environmentalist of all is the Christian who recognizes the whole world...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for May 12-18
Sunday 1 Peter 2:19… Dearly beloved: This is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye be...
Orthodox Quote for March 11
“Whoever does not want to go to church and make a good beginning has a conscience that no longer reproaches him, and God abandons him. And then, since the...
Orthodox Quote for March 10
“Never sleep before saying evening-prayers, lest your heart should become gross from ill-timed sleep, and lest the enemy should hinder it by a stony insensibility during prayer.’Be sober, be...
Orthodox Quote for March 9
“As a Protestant, I thought that I was more advanced than others, even though I didn’t admit it; but now I understand that I’m sinful and that others could...
Orthodox Quote for March 8
“Christ Himself is this mediation between human and divine just as Holy Saturday is the mediating boundary between the Cross and Resurrection. We fail when we choose either the...