Orthodox Quote for May 7
“We may from time to time acknowledge and confess our various “sins,” yet we cease to refer our life to that new life which Christ revealed and gave to...
Orthodox Quote for May 6
“…we often consider church practices as interesting, colorful, and amusing customs connecting us not so much with God and the new life in Him but rather as a link...
Orthodox Quote for May 5
“…as we know too well, our existence remains full of corruption, illness, and passion, and ends in physical death. So, in what way have we been set free by...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for May 5-11
Sunday 1 John: Dearly beloved: Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh...
Orthodox Quote for May 4
“We are witnesses that throughout the world today basic Christian values are being pushed into the background, and mankind is not only being offered, but also in some places...
Orthodox Quote for May 3
“Let us bring the glad tidings of the Resurrection of Christ to our neighbors, announcing this to them not only with words, but with deeds for the Savior, the...
Orthodox Quote for May 2
“The feasts should have an impact on our lives, they should revive and kindle our faith (heart) in future blessings, and nourish pious, good morals. The feasts are spent...
Orthodox Quote for May 1
“Because he often has an incorrect attitude towards Lent, thinking of it as regulatory-mechanical: Don’t eat this, comply with that, and so on. And then, not trying to change...
Orthodox Quote for April 30
“People become fully human only when they keep the commandments of God, correctly measure themselves with their God, and are able to see God in their neighbors and to...
Orthodox Quote for April 29
“People will be resurrected in the same body they now occupy. That is when there will be retribution for sins, and when there will be an absolutely complete reward,...