Orthodox Quote for April 11
“During Lent, we have a mission, to become a little less self-centered and a little more other-centered. When we gather on Sunday, we can make an effort to reach...
Orthodox Quote for April 10
“He wants to change our way of thinking, He wants us to turn on repentance, a change of mind (metanoia) and of the very way we think, so that...
Orthodox Quote for April 9
“I need to keep encouraging and nudging my kids and god children to be in church and to seek after God and Truth. And, I need to be reminded...
Orthodox Quote for April 8
“…you attend church services, keep the faith, receive Holy Communion, read Orthodox books. But it is possible to do all this almost mechanically, without going deeper into Orthodoxy.” (Fr...
Orthodox Quote for April 7
“When you pray and use the name of Jesus Christ you mercilessly whip the enemy and bring him great shame. It is better that your enemy should know shame...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for April 7 – April 13
Sunday Hebrews 9 Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say,...
Orthodox Quote for April 6
“…it is clearly seen that this “forgiveness” about which St. John Chrysostom speaks, or, “remission of sins”, are given to us not unconditionally, but conditionally — that is, under...
Orthodox Quote for April 5
“’Do not let the cure for passions become a passion!’ The emphasis on “Lenten foods” should be simplicity and plainness and not extravagance. The more effort that goes into...
Orthodox Quote for April 4
“Here is the great news! God thought that we are so worthwhile that despite our failings, our sins, our flaws our selfishness and our exile we were worthwhile persevering...
Orthodox Quote for April 3
“When we forgive people, we recognize they should not be reduced to the bad actions they committed at one point upsetting someone, because the same people can do also...