Orthodox Quote for March 16
“Fasting is a beautiful and great act for the soul, but also for one’s health too. Let us recall how the lives of our beloved saints sound: ‘This ascetic...
Orthodox Quote for March 15
” Let our Lenten fasting be pleasant and pleasing to God. True fasting is the driving away of evil, the bridling of the tongue, the suppression of one’s anger, the...
Orthodox Quote for March 14
“Every person develops his spiritual life himself, depending on his possibilities, as far as time is concerned. If he has no chance to go to the Presanctified Liturgy during...
Orthodox Quote for March 13
“Truly, one can only say “Our Father” if he forgives all who have caused him pain, difficulties, or sinned in any way against him. Whoever does not forgive, well...
Orthodox Quote for March 12
“Condemn sin, but not the sinner. Sin itself does not need justification; it’s even dangerous: If we stop condemning sin, we could lose the understanding of the boundary between...
Orthodox Quote for March 11
“My friends, if we want to be saved and inherit eternal life, we have no other path than the path of the Gospel commandments, the path of attentiveness to...
Orthodox Quote for March 10
“When I see a woman suffering in pain and crying about a serious issue that torments her, I ask her: ‘Have you had an abortion?’ 90% of the women...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for March 10-16
Sunday At that time: Jesus took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning...
Orthodox Quote for March 9
“Isn’t it clear from this that by the words, “Judge not that ye not be judged” the Lord by no means forbid us from making a moral assessment of...
Orthodox Quote for March 8
“It is bad when we are the ones causing the noise. We must be careful not to disturb others. If we do not want to pray, we should at...