Orthodox Quote for March 7
“It seems that in times of crisis we negotiate and plead with God. We become transactional. We fervently promise to do this if God gives us that. Yet, how...
Orthodox Quote for March 6
“At a time when family is in great decline, holiness wanes as well. The wounds and demons nurtured in our broken societies are the stuff of great spiritual warfare....
Orthodox Quote for March 5
“We have the habit in our Church of saying the Preparation Prayers for Holy Communion during our cell rule, and the Thanksgiving Prayers are said at the end of...
Orthodox Quote for March 3
“Every major religion regards fornication as one of ‘the’ most grave sins that can be committed. Yet in the Western nations physical relations between youth is often regarded as...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for March 3-9
Sunday 1 Corinthinan 8: But food does not commend us to God; for neither if we eat are we the better, nor if we do not eat are we the...
Orthodox Quote for March 2
“The New Testament also offers no support to the notion that everyone who dies somehow immediately attains eternal bliss. Our Lord’s parable of Lazarus and the rich man in...
Orthodox Quote for March 1
“People can no longer find themselves, because they are free to become everyone else. Yet, no lasting joy has ever been found in obsessing with self, and Satan is...
Orthodox Quote for February 28
“It is said that after the death of the first three evangelists, the three Gospels were brought to John while he yet lived that he might see them and...
Orthodox Quote for February 27
“Even if it be disease or poverty…, for seen and unseen benefits…, and for those which we receive against our will; …but also whenever we are either in poverty,...
Orthodox Quote for February 26
“You know very well what the ancient holy fathers predicted concerning our times. It was said: They will be saved by faith, the endurance of sorrows and illnesses, and...