Orthodox Quote for February 7
“It is the same to the Lord to give flesh to any creature He likes, either to an animal or a plant, as it would be to me to...
Orthodox Quote for February 6
“And so, let us pray to the Lord that He send this country ‘a plenitude of the earthly fruits, fair weather, timely rain and wind, and preserve it from...
Orthodox Quote for February 5
“Do not grieve beyond measure for anything. Leave it all to God. He knows what is beneficial for the soul better than we do. With all the worries and...
Orthodox Quote for February 4
“Genuine repentance is a change but not a change made with trumpets, with advertising. This change is mystical, noiseless, and with much humility.” (Patriarch Daniel of Romania, January homily)
Orthodox Quote for February 3
“It is necessary to hold to the Tradition because it is not possible for everything to be found in Holy Scripture. The Holy Apostles handed down some things via...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for February 3-9
Sunday 1 Timonthy 1:15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. However,...
Orthodox Quote for February 2
“Behold what abundant grace is extended to all men by the birth of the Lord, and how prophecy is withheld from the unbelievers, not from the righteous. Simeon also...
Orthodox Quote for February 1
“Struggle, therefore, through denial of your self-will, fulfilling for the sake of Christ the counsels of him who sponsored you in the Lord when you promised to God perfect...
Orthodox Quote for January 31
“…blessed is he who remembers his death day and night and prepares himself to meet it. For it has a habit of coming joyfully to those who wait for...
Orthodox Quote for January 30
“Pro-life means giving our support to children in general, but especially to those children victimized by the Herods of the world. We are to protect all these children…” (Fr....