Orthodox Quote for January 12
“Love comes in the heart gradually through good deeds. When we do good things for people they cease to be indifferent to us – for we are no longer...
Orthodox Quote for January 11
“If you love God, you spend time with Him, both at home and in the Church. The same way as a man should act toward a wife that he...
Orthodox Quote for January 10
“We must do all things with faith and hope, for “whatever is not from faith is sin.” No matter how rough the sea of passions becomes, and even if...
Orthodox Quote for January 9
“The giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic His giving, by grace, through faith, and this is not of ourselves.” (St. Nicholas of...
Orthodox Quote for January 8
…”Orthodox young people can lose the treasure they already have if they haven’t been made aware enough of it, and more importantly, as a means of defining a little...
Orthodox Quote for January 7
“Christ was humble, then who are we not to be? Sometimes the grace abandons you, so you may humble yourself before God!” (Elder Arsenie Papacioc+ of Romania, sayings)
Orthodox Quote for January 6
“It is through the violent struggle against the irrational laws which affect our corrupted body, that we convince the restoring grace to reform us. That is the reason why...
Orthodox Quote for January 5
“Confession is a Sacrament in which the one who confesses their sins if they obviously expressed a desire ( wished) for receiving forgiveness from a priest, is mysteriously absolved...
Orthodox Daily Devotional January 6 – 12
Sunday Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 2 And were all...
Orthodox Quote for January 4
“How can you people live solely for imperialistic, that is, materialistic interests, for the animal desire solely for bodily food? I wanted to make you gods and sons...