Orthodox Quote for November 19
“As we search for a meaningful life, we should avoid the mirages in our world that lead to short term fulfillment. Our goal should be to avoid the illusory...
Orthodox Quote for November 18
“Prayers, spoken with pain, are effective. If the child does something very serious, the parents must intervene appropriately. If it isn’t so serious, then they can overlook it a...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for November 18-24
Sunday Ephesians 4:1-6…I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2 with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering,...
Orthodox Quote for November 17
“You should try as much as possible to do a full cycle of services for Sundays, Feasts, and other major commemorations of the Church year that are most commonly...
Orthodox Quote for November 16
“So we see again that in the simplest ways we just have to strive to do nothing apart from Christ, and we do that merely by saying “Lord, be...
Orthodox Quote for November 15
“At first a simple thought about evil makes it into the mind, and if it is kept in the mind, then a passionate motion arises from it, and if...
Orthodox Quote for November 14
“God knows how much each one can bear and allows temptations according to the measure of our strength. Remember that after temptation comes spiritual joy, and that the Lord...
Orthodox Quote for November 13
“Whoever trusts in God, sows glorification, receives divine joy and eternal blessing. Whoever sows misery, reaps misery and stores up stress.” (Elder St Paisios in ‘Athonite Elders’)
Orthodox Quote for November 12
“Keep an eternal perspective on life. Each day remember that some people have tragically died. Remembering death can help us live life better. If we remember that we are...
Orthodox Quote for November 11
“The Cross of the monk is cutting his own will. To give up what he likes. To carry what is not convenient.” (Elder Arsenie Papacioc of Romania, sayings)