Orthodox Quote for January 2
“The relationship of physical and spiritual illnesses is a complicated one. Many physical ailments are directly connected to spiritual ailments – you just have to look at ‘lifestyle’ diseases...
Orthodox Quote for January 1
“…the Lord appeared in the flesh ; on the eighth day after his nativity he was circumcised in accordance with the law [Octave of Christmas]; on the thirty-third day...
Orthodox Quote for December 31
“Have you fallen seriously ill? This brings you the crown of martyrdom [through thanksgiving]. Nothing is holier than that tongue which gives thanks to God in evil circumstances; truly...
Orthodox Quote for December 30
“If you seek distinction by yourself, you will struggle by yourself your whole life long. If other people promote you, you will have people stand by you. While, if...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for December 30 – January 5
Sunday Galatians 1:3-10 3 Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from...
Orthodox Quote for December 29
“Orthodoxy always emphasizes this spiritual aspect of the relationship of one’s own soul to God; and all the sacraments and discipline of the Church are only a means of...
Orthodox Quote for December 28
“The belief that salvation lies solely in our hands is not only wrong but heretical . The ability to obtain salvation through good works only, attributed to Pelagius, was...
Orthodox Quote for December 27
“How great is God’s compassion to our misery, that is to say, our inattention to His care for us, when God says: ‘Behold, I stand at the door and...
Orthodox Quote for December 26
“…He has come, He Whom the innumerable hosts of Angels continually and joy. And in what humility has He come! He is born of a poor Virgin, in a...
Orthodox Quote for December 25
“Now is the day of Good Will – Let us not be mean. In this Day of Peace – Let us not be conquered by anger….Today we receive a...