Orthodox Quote for August 15
“When someone is not devout and yet kisses the Icons, are his lips not speechless? And, when the devout kisses the Icons, aren’t his lips full of praise?” (Elder...
Orthodox Quote for August 14
“If someone wants to be protected from tricks and remain healthy in the faith, he must confine his faith first to the authority of the Holy Scriptures, and secondly...
Orthodox Quote for August 13
“…belonging to Orthodox culture merely by birth does not make us Christians. Being an Orthodox Christian is not an homage out of “love for our fathers’ tombs” and national...
Orthodox Quote for August 12
“If, following the devil’s promise that after the transgression he would be seen as equal to God, the man actually enjoyed such an honor, then he would have fallen...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for August 12-18
Sunday Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. 24 And when he had begun to settle accounts, one was...
Orthodox Quote for August 11
“God does not interfere in our lives, but waits for us to ask Him to help us, for He respects our freedom.” (Metropolitan Tikhon Shevkunov )
Orthodox Quote for August 10
“Orthodox Christians must steadfastly remain in Orthodoxy, preserve oneness of mind with one another and un-hypocritically love, guard purity of soul and body, reject evil and unclean intentions, temperately...
Orthodox Quote for August 9
“It is really nothing more than an extension of the world’s current philosophy into apparently Christian thinking. It is the longing to avoid suffering combined with the belief that...
Orthodox Quote for August 8
“Prelest is that state in which a person sees himself as a saint. Perfect. Worthy of God, worthy of all God’s gifts…because flattery, self-flattery is essentially present in all...
Orthodox Quote for August 7
“Tribulations and tragedies will always come. The winds and waves of tribulation beat against everyone’s house. Will the house stand or fall? It all depends on the foundation of...