Orthodox Quote for July 20
“Smile, and try to brighten up each person who crosses your path. Say words that will ‘edify and bring grace to the #8217;” (Ephesians 4:29). (Fr. Luke Veronis, New...
Orthodox Quote for July 19
“It’s important to find what it is that’s right for us. What we can and what we want to do. The most honest thing is for us to tell...
Orthodox Quote for July 18
“In my opinion there are three forms of love: carnal love, which is filled with spiritual germs; worldly love, which is superficial, formal, often hypocritical and shallow; and spiritual...
Orthodox Quote for July 17
“Does He give you freedom only to take it from you? You act freely and you decide to do the thing that God knows in advance without compelling you,...
Orthodox Quote for July 15
“Contemplate the miraculous withering of the unfruitful fig tree (Matthew 21: 19)…How my life too, which has many leaves— bodily cares, desires and thoughts— but is without spiritual #8221;...
Daily Devotional for July 15 – 21
Sunday Matthew 9:27 When Jesus departed from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying, “Son of David, have mercy on us!” 28 And when He had come into...
Orthodox Quote for July 14
“Repentance, change of mind. Because only by changing the mind, you can change your heart. People who turn to God with their heart, and do not try to change...
Orthodox Quote for July 13
“If the heart is squandered on many insignificant things, it will not have the strength to feel pain for what deserves its care…all I care about is the pain...
Orthodox Quote for July 12
“The manic concern over what we’re going to eat, drink or wear is a sketch of people who seem to be earthly and ‘biological’. The stress, anxiety and care...
Orthodox Quote for July 11
“’How many Orthodox bishops does it take to change a light-bulb?’ Answer: ‘Why change a light-bulb?’ Well, of course, if light-bulbs don’t work, we do change them. But on...