Orthodox Quote for June 23
“If a man wants God to hear his prayer quickly, then before he prays for anything else, even his own soul, when he stands and stretches out his hands...
Orthodox Quote for June 22
“Even if God were to burn all the good people, one must not have negative thoughts; instead, he must think that everything that God does, He does out of...
Orthodox Quote for June 21
“God arranged that the body can help the soul. But when the forces of the soul (mind, will, and feelings) begin to serve the body, when the body manages...
Orthodox Quote for June 20
““Be kind to everyone you meet, for each carries a heavy burden.” Other lines come to mind, and I paraphrase: ‘Take nothing personally’ and ‘If we knew everything about...
Orthodox Quote for June 18
“Moses is not God, neither is an angel of God god, but both Moses and the angel are objects of God’s force and God’s Will and God is the...
Orthodox Quote for June 17
“Great is he who has more humility. God gives grace to the person who has fear of God and obeys everyone like a small child and constantly seeks God’s...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for June 17-24
Sunday Scripture: The Prodigal Son NOTES FROM ST THEOPHYLACT… Now our Saviour defines a neighbour not in respect of actions or honour, but of nature; as if He says,...
Orthodox Quote for June 19
“…when you work, you should not forget Christ. Do your work joyfully, but keep your intellect and your heart focused on Christ. If you do this, not only will...
Orthodox Quote for June 16
“It’s very important for us to cultivate this awareness of the presence and the work of the saints in our lives. When we pay attention only to what’s going...
Orthodox Quote for June 15
“The heart of Christianity is the cross and sacrifice. It is the heart of love. Children learn what is worthwhile by what their sacrifice their time and effort for....