Orthodox Quote for May 19
“Do not say, “This happened by chance, while this came to be of #8221; In all that exists there is nothing disorderly, nothing indefinite, nothing without purpose, nothing by...
Orthodox Quote for May 18
“Pious parents who want their children to become monks should not push them towards making such a decision but must lead an ascetic way of life themselves.” (Elder St....
Orthodox Quote for May 17
“The Lord loves all people, but He loves those who seek Him even more. To his chosen ones the Lord gives such great grace that for love they forsake...
Orthodox Quote for May 16
“By night I am overwhelmed by my problems, in the grip of discouragement like a kind of sleep. But if the light of your assistance shines, it will disperse...
Orthodox Quote for May 15
“People go to wars for something greater than war. So we also enter this temporal life for the sake of something greater: for eternal life. And as soldiers think...
Orthodox Quote for May 14
“Those who are proud and exalted must remain in obedience to someone in order to cut off their will (here the elder is first of all talking about obedience...
Orthodox Quote for May 13
“Therefore the purpose of life is not to become like Christ in order to be saved: it is not a means to an end. This is the very purpose...
Daily Devotional for May 13-19
Sunday John 9: Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. 2 And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or...
Orthodox Quote for May 12
“Once upon a time everybody knew that we are most certainly not alone. We are with God through His Word, His Son Who bears our human nature and Who...
Orthodox Quote for May 11
“…joy is the fruit of grace in the human soul, since grace is called charis in New Testament Greek language, and joy chara. Therefore, when grace bears fruit in...