Daily Devotional for February 4 – 10
Sunday Luke 15 11 Then He said: “A certain man had two sons. 12 And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that...
Orthodox Quote for February 3
“Consistently pray in all things, so that you might not do anything without the help of God … Whoever does or busies himself with anything without prayer does not...
Orthodox Quote for February 2
“With Christ a person is filled with grace and so lives above evil. Evil does not exist for him. There is only good, which is God. Evil cannot exist....
Orthodox Quote for February 1
“That same jungle was their protection during the civil war, when they did not know whether they would live or die from the shelling. Now their refer to it...
Orthodox Quote for January 31
“We cannot reserve calling upon God only when we want or need something. No one wants to hear from a friend or relative only when that person wants something....
Orthodox Quote for January 30
“In the old days, Christians would make the sign of the cross before doing anything and pray hard before tackling an important matter. Today, unfortunately, most of us not...
Orthodox Quote for January 29
“So whether they are our abilities or our disabilities, whether it is our strength—physical or emotional—or our infirmities and weaknesses, all of these things come to us from the...
Orthodox Quote for January 28
“The most important precondition, however, for someone to recognize and discern the truth is humility. Egotism darkens a person’s mind, it confuses him, it leads him astray, to #8221;...
Orthodox Daily Devotional January 28 – February 4
Sunday 2 Timothy 3: 10 But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, 11 persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium,...
Orthodox Quote for January 27
“…God always hears the Jesus prayer above all other things, whereas He always abhors idle talk, even if it seems spiritual. According to the Fathers, idle talk is mainly...