Orthodox Quote for January 17
“When it comes to the commandments of Christ and the tradition of the Church, far too many people…want to see how close to the edge they can get without going over....
Orthodox Quote for January 16
“The monk’s job is to do prostrations, to fast and pray, not only for his own sake but for all people, both living and dead. Of course, he must...
Orthodox Quote for January 15
“The temple is the house of God, the preferred habitation of God on earth. Here a Christian learns the law of the Lord, is enlightened by the light of...
Orthodox Quote for January 14
“Many of us were taught that when we sin God turns His back on us. The fact, though, is that when we sin, We turn our backs on God....
Daily Devotional for January 14-20
Sunday 1 Timothy 1:1-17 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief...
Orthodox Quote for January 13
“If we detect any trace of hatred in our hearts against any man whatsoever for committing any fault, we are utterly estranged from love for God, since love for...
Orthodox Quote for January 12
“Fortunate are those who know their state and are humbled, and again unfortunate are those who do not know their state, but are arrogant. Fortunate is the person who...
Orthodox Quote for January 11
“Every internal movement which the Spirit stimulates within us, every desire for what is good, every fine inspiration we feel, are indications of what our Beloved engenders within us...
Orthodox Quote for January 10
In spiritual life there can be no peace, in the spiritual life there is always a struggle with our thoughts, with our sins, but it is so that we...
Orthodox Quote for January 9
“…you’ll see, our Benevolent God will find a way for these kind-hearted people, either with trials and tribulations, with illnesses, hardships, with an earthquake, a lightning bolt, a deluge,...