Orthodox Quote for November 13
“If you see your neighbor in sin, don’t look only at this, but also think about what he has done or does that is good; and infrequently trying this...
Orthodox Quote for November 12
“Temptations come on some people for the cleansing of previous sins, on others for the beautification of their current perfection, and on yet others, as preparation for things to...
Daily Devotional for November 12-18
Sunday Luke 10: 25 And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 He said to him,...
Orthodox Quote for November 11
‘If someone spirit is failing, you should encourage and inspire him. But when someone falls into pride and conceit, what will be useful to him is humility.’ (Elder St....
Orthodox Quote for November 10
“The Lord Himself commanded that we pray unceasingly, not just with the tongue to be heard by men, but rather enclosed in the cell of the heart, so that...
Orthodox Quote for November 9
“My help is not from wealth or from corporal resources or from my own power and strength nor from human ties of kinship, but “my help is from God.”...
Orthodox Quote for November 8
“Holiness is the key that unlocks the Gospel, which is why the Holy Fathers interpreted it…Delusion often mimics grace, which is why we need true fathers, not those who...
Orthodox Quote for November 7
“How is a child ever going to learn to behave in Church if they aren’t in Church? How can we expect our children to prioritize Church if we don’t? ...
Orthodox Quote for November 6
“In marriage the festive joy of the first day should last for the whole of life; every day should be a feast day; every day husband and wife should...
Orthodox Quote for November 5
“Read the Holy Scripture, and meditate on its words. Venerate the holy icons, go to church, listen to the divine services and pray continually, because thus your heart will...