Orthodox Quote for October 23
“All of the above are a necessary condition, foundation, and preparation for great labors. A man of God desires neither the blessed life, nor eve Paradise, but only the...
Orthodox Quote for October 22
“Each man and woman is a specific individual—not like anyone else…So you have your own method in prayer that is only yours; it’s in vain to tell you my...
Daily Devotional for October 22-28
Sunday Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: 19 “There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. 20 But there...
Orthodox Quote for October 21
“It means faithfulness to the Tradition of the Church, consultation with one’s bishop wherever possible, if not, with other Orthodox confessors. It means saying our morning and evening prayers,...
Orthodox Quote for October 20
“People today do not pray and the Holy Spirit is absent from their lives…Unfortunately for some, sanctity, or for one to become a saint, is only something that is...
Orthodox Quote for October 19
“It is of the utmost importance that when the prayer is being said no image at all be portrayed in the mind; neither of our Lord Christ in any...
Orthodox Quote for October 18
“Repentance is a baptism of tears. Through repentance man is rebaptized, reborn. Through his denial the Apostle Peter betrayed Christ in a way but because he wept bitterly he...
Orthodox Quote for October 17
“Have the bee’s wisdom to gather from others what is good, and to guard yourself against what is evil. Take God in your heart as help, and pray. Fight...
Orthodox Quote for October 16
“Sometimes men are tested by pleasure, sometimes by distress or by physical suffering. By means of His prescriptions the Physician of souls administers the remedy according to the cause...
Orthodox Quote for October 15
“If you want cure your soul, you need four things. The first is to forgive your enemies. The second is to confess thoroughly. The third is to blame yourself....