Daily Devotional for October 15-21
Sunday Luke 8 5-15“A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trampled down, and the birds of...
Orthodox Quote for October 14
“Western Christians believe that the purpose of their faith is moral improvement or the hope of heaven one day. Yes we must work to become more moral, but this...
Orthodox Quote for October 13
“The attainment of holiness does not depend on how long we practice asceticism, but depends on philotimo (all-around Christ-like virtuousness) and deeds done with humility. In philotimo there is...
Orthodox Quote for October 12
“Strive to fill your mind each day with something that is “true, noble, just, pure, lovely, holy” (Phil 4:8). In other words, take time every day to read Holy...
Orthodox Quote for October 11
“Charity is not only to give something. It means to accept the man sitting next to you, without casting him out in your mind. In having pity on others...
Orthodox Quote for October 10
“On our part, a selfless devotion to the cause of God is necessary for the support, strengthening, and development of Holy Orthodoxy there, or at least that the earthly...
Orthodox Quote for October 9
“We only partly conceive and partly comprehend what is beyond the physical world. Our Fathers tell us that recognizing one’s corrupt nature is a great gift of God, even...
Orthodox Quote for October 8
“A note that is slightly late or early decreases the cohesiveness of the ensemble…This principle applies to our daily interactions as well. Often our statements are true, but...
Daily Devotional for October 8-14
Sunday Luke 7:11 Now it happened, the day after, that He went into a city called Nain; and many of His disciples went with Him, and a large crowd....
Orthodox Quote for October 7
“Orthodox Christians, both of East and West, are not surprised by this further falling away of the western denominations into novel and bizarre revisions of Christian faith and morals....