Orthodox Quote for October 6
“Let us therefore, with the Cross in our hands, make our way along the path of life, in the full knowledge that, however, tortuous and filled with thorns that...
Orthodox Quote for October 5
“Though we are in the Church, we do not like to follow the rules of the Church…If you are an employee in a service, and say that you do...
Orthodox Quote for October 4
“In the kindness, goodness and humility of the saint you perceive a power that no earthly power can turn aside to make him fall from his purity of heart,...
Orthodox Quote for October 3
“The lighting of the candle symbolizes that this is an offer of a sacrifice of respect and honor to God and His Saints. It symbolizes Christ’s light which enlightens...
Orthodox Quote for October 2
“At school and work we are never late. At family functions and recreational events (movies, ball games, etc.) everyone arrives on time. So, why are we late in arriving...
Orthodox Quote for October 1
“Sometimes it takes an accident or illness to finally get us to turn back to God. People often ask, “Why do bad things happen to good peo ple?” The...
Daily Devotional for October 1-7
Sunday Luke 6:31-36 31 And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise. 32 “But if you love those who love you, what credit...
Daily Devotional for September 24-30
Sunday Luke 5: So it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, 2 and saw two...
Daily Devotional for September 17-23
Sunday Matthew 22:35-46 … But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing...
Daily Devotional for September 10-16
Sunday Matthew 22:1-14: And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and said: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for...