Orthodox Quote for July 28
“Western man is desperate to be in control of his life, to feel he can trust in what he has achieved or built. But the Church teaches us to...
Orthodox Quote for July 27
“If those who are poor, in need and are starving do not grumble or murmur, they will receive the same reward as hermits who struggle in asceticism on the...
Orthodox Quote for July 26
“…the Orthodox Church goes way beyond something we learn in a sermon or attend on a Sunday. Orthodoxy is a way of life. Through the Orthodox Church, I am...
Orthodox Quote for July 25
“At every Liturgy we proclaim and bless the presence and power of the kingdom of heaven. We are praying to and praising the Holy Trinity together with the angels...
Orthodox Quote for July 24
“…when we come with our problems in life, do not think that everything will be changed in the blink of an eye. The holy God-pleasers, to whom we turn,...
Orthodox Quote for July 23
“Plainly instructing us, that we ought never to account ourselves sufficiently righteous, but always desire a daily increase in righteousness, to the perfect fullness of which the Psalmist shows...
Orthodox Quote for July 22
“Whoever entertains doubts about God’s providence in any particular does not confess to God with a whole heart…all the hardships that are imposed on the body either offer training...
Daily Devotional for July 23-29
Sunday Matthew 9:27-35 Healing of the blind men According to Isaiah, the messianic age is signified when “the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears...
Orthodox Quote for July 21
“Those who trust in the things of this life are in no better situation than the sparrow, which relies on the wilderness and is prey to all. People who...
Orthodox Quote for July 20
“God has also allowed death to infiltrate into human life, not in order to punish us, but to bless us. Even though death wears the mask of evil, it...