Orthodox Quote for July 19
“When the mind moves in prayer, divine grace comes in a split second. The person then becomes full of grace and sees everything with different eyes. The important thing...
Orthodox Quote for July 18
“So long as we work for our bread, it doesn’t matter what our job is. Of Adam’s sons, one was a farmer the other a herdsman. All occupations are...
Orthodox Quote for July 17
“Prayer, fasting, vigil and all other Christian activities, however good they may be in themselves, do not constitute the aim of our Christian life, although they serve as the...
Orthodox Quote for July 16
“Repentance, or rather the person who repents, begins with asking God to forgive him his trespasses. As long as he does not repeat the deeds for which he repents,...
Daily Devotional for July 16-22
Sunday Matthew 9:1-8: Healing of the paralytic As shown by the healing of the paralytic, faith is an indispensable condition for salvation. Faith is collective as well as personal,...
Orthodox Quote for July 15
“Do you wish to overcome evil: humble yourself and do not judge. Then, you will be free. Humility leads you to God, but love tastes God! Humble yourself, for...
Orthodox Quote for July 14
“To our times is given a more humble kind of spiritual life, which Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov in his excellent book ‘The Arena’ calls life by counsel—that is, life according...
Orthodox Quote for July 13
“The degrees of beatitude and torment in the next world will be different. This is proved by the present state of the souls of different people or of the...
Orthodox Quote for July 12
“Even if you found a whole treasure house full of gold and on account of it you were absent from church, your harm would be much greater as much...
Orthodox Quote for July 11
“If a great and original individuality were the aim of history, I think history should stop with the first man upon earth, for our first ancestor must have been...