Orthodox Quote for May 26
“Materialism is a poor and lifeless substitute stemming from the lack of communion with God, a disease that characterizes the vast majority of today’s civilizations and cultures. But the...
Orthodox Quote for May 25
“At some point, in order to continue to deepen our relationship with our Lord, we must re-kindle in our heart the love for Him that we had in the...
Orthodox Quote for May 24
“Repentance (change of mind) is the beginning, middle and the end of die Christian way of life, so it is both sought and required before holy baptism, in holy...
Orthodox Quote for May 23
“Today’s Gospel is irrefutable proof that, apart from His perfect humanity, Christ is also perfect God. He healed not only the eyes of the blind man’s body, but also...
Orthodox Quote for May 22
“It is no good putting a language, into which the Gospel and Church services have already been translated, higher than Christ. It is no good saying that only Greek,...
Orthodox Quote for May 21
“…the grace of the Holy Spirit which is granted at baptism in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in spite of man’s fall...
Daily Devotional for May 21-27
Sunday John 9: Healing of the Man Born Blind This healed man becomes a model of Christian witness. Many people do not bear witness to Christ because they...
Orthodox Quote for May 20
“…I give untiring thanks to God who kept me faithful in the day of my temptation, so that today I may confidently offer my soul as a living sacrifice...
Orthodox Quote for May 19
“When you pray that your sins may be forgiven, strengthen yourself always by faith, and trust in God’s mercy, Who is ever ready to forgive our sins after sincere...
Orthodox Quote for May 18
“Two factors are involved in man’s salvation: the grace of God and the will of man. Both must work together, if salvation is to be #8221; (St. Nectarios of...