Orthodox Quote for May 17
“Take care that this church community, which is still small, may grow like the mustard seed in the Gospel into a tree with many leaves (cf. Matt. 13:31-32), under...
Orthodox Quote for May 16
“…I want us to understand that the Church is not a museum but a living temple to God. The Church is an institution of God’s love for mankind. What...
Orthodox Quote for May 15
“Say the prayer with pain and mourning of soul, and then you will feel different. Pay attention only to yourself! Then you will see yourself and you will feel...
Orthodox Quote for May 14
“Who better than a woman ever inconspicuously and meekly protects those she loves? Her labors and feats seem completely mundane, often even entirely insignificant and intangible. But this is...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for May 14-20
Sunday John 4:5-42 (meeting of Christ with the woman at the well ORTHODOX STUDY BIBLE NOTES… The Old Testament does not mention Jacob’s well, though Jacob did dwell in...
Orthodox Quote for May 13
“Man does not fast because it pleases God if His servants do not eat, for, as the Lenten hymns of the Church remind us, ―the devil also never eats‖....
Orthodox Quote for May 12
“I always said and still say: Work as if you were immortal, and live as if you were on the point of #8221; (Elder Porpyrios in ‘Wounded by Love’)
Orthodox Quote for May 11
“A flood comes in three ways, either by unclean spirits, or wicked men, or the very restlessness of mind or body; and as far as men trust in their...
Orthodox Quote for May 10
“Freedom falsely understood is rebellion against God; it is nihilism. That is how we have gotten to where we have gotten, to all of these crimes that are raging...
Orthodox Quote for May 9
“As I consider my life, I look to see where my heart has been and where it is now. This shows me what I really value and what has...