Holy Wednesday
“Is it not also the same today, that the hands of the many betrayers of Christ are at the table with Him…They eat His bread, and they speak against...
Holy Tuesday
“Contemplate the miraculous withering of the unfruitful fig tree (Matthew 21: 19)…How my life too, which has many leaves— bodily cares, desires and thoughts— but is without spiritual #8221;...
Holy Monday
“God is a faithful Groom of the human soul. He never betrays His bride, the soul. His love toward the soul never cools as long as the soul does...
Palm Sunday
“At the glorious Entry of the Lord Jesus into Jerusalem, and even in the Temple itself, the children cried out: Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He...
Devotional for Holy Week
Quotes from St. Nikolai Velimirovich’s ‘Prologue of Ohrid’ Palm Sunday At the glorious Entry of the Lord Jesus into Jerusalem, and even in the Temple itself, the children cried...
Orthodox Quote for April 8
“For God does not look at the quantity of our struggles, but examines the intention and the discernment with which we work, and He pours out His good, great,...
Orthodox Quote for April 7
“Everything starts from good thoughts. This is what elevates a person and changes him for the better. One must reach a point of being able to see all things...
Orthodox Quote for April 6
“Man cannot escape God’s eye even as regards the smallest things, even in the most secret places for God is present everywhere. He cannot lie to God without God...
Orthodox Quote for April 5
“We should address ourselves to God in the manner of a humble servant with a voice of entreaty and supplication. Then our prayer will be well-pleasing to God. Let...
Orthodox Quote for April 4
“Do you know how hard life is for honest people? They run into all kinds of difficulties and have to take all kinds of abuse from their employers. Life...