Orthodox Daily Devotional for the 5th Week of Lent
Sunday From [the third – last week] Sunday on, the lessons from the Epistle to the Hebrews begin to reveal to us the meaning of Christ’s sacrifice by which...
Orthodox Quote for March 25
“… Open the eyes of your soul and see what exists beyond this life. Men of the world loved the world because they have not yet discovered its bitterness....
Orthodox Quote for March 24
“Wealth can be very destructive for man when it is not distributed to the poor for the benefit of our soul and for the souls of our departed. Giving...
Orthodox Quote for March 23
“I however, feel that I am the most sinful person in the world. Of course, whatever I remembered I confessed, and I know God has forgiven me. But now...
Orthodox Quote for March 22
“… The Prophet David cried out when Nathan reproached him because of Bathsheba, “I have sinned against the Lord!” And the prophet told him, “The Lord has put away...
Orthodox Quote for March 21
“Some such people experience religion as a kind of hell. They make prostrations and cross themselves in church and they say, ‘We are unworthy sinners’. Then as soon as...
Orthodox Quote for March 20
For every action of his, man must ask himself, “What I am doing pleases me, but does it also please God?” and must examine whether it is pleasing to...
Orthodox Quote for March 19
“It is observed that our talkativeness arises often from gluttony and especially from drinking wine, which loosens our tongue without measure. To the contrary, the fast leads us to...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for the 4th Week of Lent
Sunday On the third Sunday– “Sunday of the Cross”– the theme of the Cross makes its appearance, and we are told (Mark 8:34-9:1): For what does it profit...
Orthodox Quote for March 18
“Everything proceeds from Holy Scripture. You must read it continually in order to learn the secrets of spiritual struggle…We see here [in the ‘Wisdom of Solomon’] how the wise...