Orthodox Quote for December 9
“… Did you come here as a repentant sinner to receive remission or as a lawgiver? If the first is the case you cannot place fasting in the secondary...
Orthodox Quote for December 8
“If we live our lives according to the will of God we will in a way start tasting the joys of Paradise in this life. Either we will experience...
Orthodox Quote for December 7
It seems as if political correctness is meant to limit Christians’ freedom to practice their faith. For example, why should we use ‘X-mas’ instead of ‘Christmas’? The answer we...
Orthodox Quote for December 6
“Children, I beseech you to correct your hearts and thoughts, so that you may be pleasing to God. Consider that although we may reckon ourselves to be righteous and...
Orthodox Quote for December 5
“In the Orthodox Liturgy, one can see God, man and nature in their proper perspective. Our Eucharist answers the central questions: Who are we? Where are we going? What...
Orthodox Quote for December 4
“The example of Peter the Breadgiver, who, for a piece of bread given to a beggar, received forgiveness for all his sins (as was revealed to him in a...
Orthodox Quote for December 13
“Those genuine Christians who deal with same-sex attractions and accept the Church’s teaching, but refuse to act them out, may in fact become some of the greatest examples of...
Daily Devotional Readings for the Week of December 4
Sunday Luke 17:12-19 Healing of the lepers with only the Samaritan returning to thank Him VENERABLE BEDE: He fell upon his face, because he blushes with shame when he...
Orthodox Quote for December 3
“The big issue is to know the Orthodox Church, which we are ignorant of…Whatever valuable thing is sought for by true seekers is found in here. Not piecemeal, partial...
Orthodox Quote for December 2
“…it’s important to understand that fasting is not a diet, and not simply a refusal of meat and dairy products. The fast is a special time, allotted for a...