Orthodox Quote for December 1
“I think that in the United States the personalities [movie stars] try not to show their faith. They are very neutral when it comes to their faith. That may...
Orthodox Quote for November 30
“Let us run with faithful steps by the works of mercy and love of righteousness, so that by keeping the day of our redemption spiritually, ‘not with the old...
Orthodox Quote for November 29
“There is no respect left. Just look at what is happening now. When parents get old they throw them away in old age homes. In the old days they...
Orthodox Quote for November 28
“He guides our life; He has power over our weakness; He brings about our resurrection. He rewards us according to our works. Blessed is he that confesses Him and...
Orthodox Quote for November 27
“Take an icon for example: it is made by hand out of wood and colors. It depicts the form of Christ, the Panagia or some saint. Whatever we do...
Daily Devotional Readings for the Week of November 27
Sunday Luke 13:10-17 (dispute about healing on the sabbath) FAITH OF THE FATHERS: ST AMBROSE: Not understanding this, the ruler of the synagogue commanded that no one should...
Orthodox Quote for November 26
“Human righteousness is not for spiritual people; it merely serves to restrain worldly people. A spiritual person is a fool if he relies on human righteousness which is nothing...
Orthodox Quote for November 25
“I haven’t managed to love Christ so very fervently and for my soul too long for Him I feel that I have a very long way to go. I...
Orthodox Quote for November 24
” All the saints considered the debt of thanksgiving to God as their main debt. Without thanksgiving to God there can be no progress in the spiritual life. Ceaseless...
Orthodox Quote for November 23
“…although we cannot know for absolute certainty that certain individuals are damned…a better question though than “Will this person be saved?” is “What does God want me to do...