Orthodox Quote for October 19
“…the essence of almsgiving is in the proper state of the soul, without which almsgiving is not pleasing to God. And what is this state of soul? Giving alms...
Orthodox Quote for October 18
“When the labors and hardships of this age come to an end, and our debts, [that is] all our faults, have been forgiven, the entire people of the elect...
Orthodox Quote for October 17
“He does not prevent tribulations coming, but he is at hand when they come, making us tried and tested … providing greater encouragement from the assistance than the pain...
Bible Readings for the Week of October 17
Tuesday *( Genesis 31: Jacob flees Laban after God has blessed him with most of the offspring of Laban’s flocks) 25 So Laban overtook Jacob. Now Jacob had pitched...
Orthodox Quote for October 16
The faith is built on dogmas; when dogmas change, the whole faith changes. Orthodoxy has preserved the faith of the early Church in the same form it received it...
Sunday Devotion for October 16
Luke 8:5-15 (Parable of the Sower) ST. BEDE: “The rock, he says, is the hard and unsubdued heart. Now the moisture at the root of the seed is...
Orthodox Quote for October 15
“Whatever resources God gives us to work with in each moment is all that is required in that moment. Perhaps it’s not our best and perhaps we could do...
Orthodox Quote for October 14
“They are not perfect and don’t have every gift that would make a perfect priest. Christ is the only perfect priest. Being human means they, too, are working on...
Orthodox Quote for October 13
“It is necessary always to be patient and to accept everything that happens, no matter what, with gratitude for God’s sake. Our life — is a minute compared to...
Orthodox Quote for October 9
“Every Christian can engage in inner prayer… ‘Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner’ . With that simple but perfect prayer, one can fulfill the commandment –...