Orthodox Quote for October 12
“All faith comes from it and is built on its foundation; on it, hope is based. Without love no thing has ever taken shape, nor ever will. Its names...
Orthodox Quote for October 11
“Geronda’s strategy and goal was to have us say the Jesus prayer constantly and keep vigil valiantly. He had implanted deep within us the meaning of prayer and watchfulness...
Orthodox Quote for October 11
“The post-Christian European knows no other values besides biological existence. Meeting face to face with a culture that looks differently at death is threatening and unbearable for the post-Christian...
Orthodox Quote for October 10
“A young child does something wrong; let’s say he breaks one of his father’s tools and then is upset over it because he considers it to be a big...
Orthodox Quote for October 10
“Can a Patriarch or Metropolitan take relics and give them to heretics? Is this permitted by the canons of the Church? Does this express Orthodox ecclesiology? Does this lead...
Bible Reading for the Week of October 9
Genesis 25:19-34 +25&version=NKJV Genesis 27:1-17 +27&version=NKJV Genesis 27: 18-20 +27&version=NKJV Genesis 27: 30-43 +27&version=NKJV **Esau was unworthy of the responsibility of the heritage of Isaac…this is why God allowed...
Orthodox Quote for October 8
“Judaism, Christianity, Islam. These three religions lay claim, in fact, to a common origin: as worshipers of the God of Abraham. Thus it is a very widespread opinion…for us...
Daily Devotion for Sunday, October 9
Luke 7:11-16 (raising of the son of the widow of Nain) “..who is to work for the spread of the Orthodox faith, for the increase of the children of...
Orthodox Quote for October 7
“When you’re eager in your obedience during the day and at the same time your lips continuously whisper a prayer, then you feel rested and joy inside you. So...
Orthodox Quote for October 6
“I cannot describe to you how much our Panagia loves chastity and purity. Since she is the only pure Virgin, she wants and loves everyone to be pure like...