Orthodox Quote for August 5
“In Protestantism I became acquainted with the Christ of the Gospel. And in Orthodoxy, I have met the Christ Who lives now, in the sacraments of the body of...
Orthodox Quote for August 4
“The Church is not what we think it is. It is not what we are attacking, which we have set out to destroy. Orthodoxy has nothing to do with...
Orthodox Quote for August 3
“…whichever pain you have, deal with it by saying these words: “Let it be blessed, my God. Whatever You want.” This way our pain won’t get wasted, but will...
Orthodox Quote for August 2
“We have deceived ourselves with transitory cares and with the greed of storing up much, eating much, living according to the body, and no longer having patience for prayer....
Orthodox Quote for August 1
“Offering earnest prayers for the successful preaching of Christ, we can also show our interest by helping it materially. It was so in the primitive Church, and the Apostles...
Orthodox Quote for July 31
“This Roman officer reveals us the power of the word, the word which generates action, which makes people move, creates events, actions, and works. Yet, the word of this...
Orthodox Devotional For Sunday, July 31
Matthew 9:1-8 (healing of a paralytic and forgiveness of his sins which is challenged by the Pharisees) ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: He did not indeed contradict their suspicions so far...
Orthodox Quote for July 30
“It is our responsibility as parents and teachers to make sure that our kids don’t just know about Jesus, as if He were a character in a novel or...
Orthodox Quote for July 29
“There will undoubtedly be an increasing number of Orthodox converts in America and Europe in the coming decade, and we must strive that our missionary witness to them will...
Orthodox Quote for July 28
“What an idea — our ability to refrigerate food means that rather than offer that food to someone less fortunate lest it go bad, we can simply wrap it...