Orthodox Quote for July 26
“Most moderns mistake the soul for consciousness, and they imagine that at death their consciousness migrates somewhere else (to heaven, etc). And, we do not care very much about...
Orthodox Quote for July 25
“Through sin man himself turns the earthly paradise into an earthly hell. If his soul is polluted with mortal sins he lives in a demonic state: he is fiercely...
Orthodox Quote for July 24
“By “evil day” he refers not to it as naturally evil—a day not being evil by nature…he refers to the one on which a person is enveloped in distress,...
Devotion for Sunday, July 24
Reading of Matthew 28-9:1 on the demons Christ cast from two men which entered the herd of swine who then rushed off a cliff. ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: “The demons...
Orthodox Quote for July 23
“People commit sins from their youth with words, with their eyes, with their mind, with consent, with deeds. Yet through one sudden shock, one misfortune, one great loss, all...
Orthodox Quote for July 22
“Do we have any answers for skeptics and non-believers? Yes, the brilliant minds of the great Theologians of the Church have provided them. The problem is that most of...
Orthodox Quote for July 21
“For us Christians, who are enlightened and illuminated in Christ, everything in this world is of value and has meaning, insofar as it’s a means and path to eternity....
Orthodox Quote for July 20
“…today also there are many who were born, raised and glorified by the Lord in the Orthodox faith, yet who deny their faith, pay no attention to the teachings...
Orthodox Quote for July 19
“We are not sanctified by the place in which we live, but by the way we live.” (Elder Iakovos Tsalikis+, counsels)
Orthodox Quote for July 18
“True faith cannot be satisfied with a cold recognition of God’s existence but strives to be in close communion with Him. The believing soul naturally reaches to God, as...