Orthodox Quote for July 17
“The Holy Neomartyrs, who were martyred during the four hundred years and like a heavenly cloud cover our long-suffering country, come to us today to remind us of the...
Devotional for Sunday, July 17
Matthew 8:5-13 (Healing of the servant of the centurion) The centurion showed faith in Christ and acted it out by saying Jesus could heal his servant from a distance....
Orthodox Quote for July 16
“You should “recognize” Christ “in the needy” to the extent that your resources “allow.” Christ our Lord gives testimony to the fact that he is the one whom we...
Orthodox Quote for July 15
“The church of God, buffeted by billows from the godless, in its struggles is not carried away but attributes developments to sins and failings and begs to enjoy assistance...
Orthodox Quote for July 14
“When someone contemplates the events of each feast, physiologically they will be moved with a special reverence to pray. Then during the Services the mind will be on the...
Orthodox Quote for July 13
“Each evil spirit wars against us and operates in their own way, depending on the passion they support. However, all the demons work together to immerse us in the...
Orthodox Quote for July 12
“You have been born, and so you can at least be certain that you will die, but even in this certainty of death uncertainty lurks, because you do not...
Orthodox Quote for July 11
“I left my parents out of love for Christ, and I made a promise so I can’t stay at my family’s house anymore. For me all the people in...
Orthodox Quote for July 10
“Look statistically at the number of words that deal with sending people out to take part in the mission of the Church. Christ on earth as the incarnate Son...
Devotional for Sunday, July 10
Reading is Matthew 6:22-33 ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: “The eye He speaks of is not the external but the internal eye. The light is the understanding, through which the soul...