Orthodox Quote for March 23
“What a high level of solidarity [among polar expedition members], no spiteful, hostile competition, no weapons, no military activity, no scientific research aimed at exterminating another person. This is...
Orthodox Quote for March 22
“…everything in us that is good is not accomplished easily, but with difficulty, compulsion and #8221; (St. Tikhon of Moscow, homily on Cheesefare Sunday)
Orthodox Quote for March 21
“The goal of prayer is the remembrance of God in all things. We do this not only through intentional prayer, but also through embracing what we may call “the...
Orthodox Quote for March 20
“…if sin were merely a matter of paying a debt–which has been paid once and for all in Christ–why would one need to continually repent? But sin is not...
Sunday Devotion for March 20
From the 7th Ecumenical Council on the ‘Sunday of Orthodoxy’… “Since this is the case, following the royal path and the teaching divinely inspired by our holy Fathers and...
Orthodox Quote for March 19
“In this way, a temperate use of goods sanctifies both matter and our lives since perishable matter is not the goal per se of sanctification, but rather, its means....
Orthodox Quote for March 18
“The spiritual father is a doctor who heals spiritual wounds…change is not done from the exterior but the true change of the man is made from the inside, from...
Orthodox Quote for March 17
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I...
Orthodox Quote for March 16
“…the Kingdom of God is so precious, so valuable that selling everything to get there is worth it. And yet you can’t buy, barter or negotiate your way into...
Orthodox Quote for March 15
“When a faithful Christian avoids food and comfort, which produce insensitivity, hardness of the heart and callousness, they enter into the realm of ecclesiastical asceticism, which purifies the heart...