Orthodox Quote for February 7
“The spirit hates sin, but the flesh and the soul are sympathetic to it and cling to it because they are clothed in passions. Goodness or the will of...
Devotion for Sunday February 7
On the Gospel story of the healing of the Syro-Phoenician woman’s daughter ( ) And that to heal the Centurion’s servant, and the daughter of this Cannanite woman,...
Orthodox Quote for February 6
“Our words would be unnecessary if we had deeds to show for #8221; (St. John Chrysostom)
Orthodox News Brief 02/06/16
“On this first time we were very surprised by the warm welcome. Later we experienced this hospitality in all #8221; (Goulven Le Goff, pilgrim) NO TIME TO VISIT MT....
Orthodox Quote for February 5
“… Whatever grevious thing the devil, the enemy of our souls, reminds you of make an effort to drive it away immediately without delay for every delay brings about...
Orthodox Quote for February 4
“And in this renewal, the place and the role of the laity is unique. If the first duty of the clergy is to serve the Church, the first and...
Orthodox Quote for February 3
“We draw near to God mostly in time of affliction, from which no one can save us but God, to Whom we then turn with our whole heart, and...
Orthodox Quote for February 2
“What today can we present to the Temple of Christ, the Church? In what condition do we present our souls to Christ? Whatever our answers to these questions, on this,...
Orthodox Quote for February 1
“… when a man prays, He strengthens his heart by faith and by the hope of receiving that which he prays for. He inflames the soul with love to...
Orthodox Missionary News Briefs 02/01/16
“This is tithing…Guatemalan style! In North America most people write a check, but our parish and pre-seminary often receive huge offerings of corn/beans like this #8221; (Missionary Jesse Brandow) WORSHIP...