Reflection on the Gospel Theme for Sunday, November 22
From the Prologue of Saint Nikolai Velimirovich In the Monastery of the “Sleepless Ones,” there was great want during a year of famine. St. Marcellus, the abbot, received some...
Quote for November 21
“When we set ourselves apart from others we are not Christians. We are true Christians when we have a profound sense that we are members of the mystical body...
Quote for November 20
“In the monastery one is disbanded from his human personality to enter into the angelic reign. It means that by losing yourself, you are #8221; (Elder Arsenie Papacioc of...
Priest Shortage Shakes Greece…
“Nowadays it is not easy to become Orthodox Christian either, considering among other things, the number of religious conflicts around the #8221; Interview with Recent Orthodox Convert & Actor…...
Quote for November 19
“Therefore may it never befall me to be separated by my God from his people whom he has won in this most remote land. I pray God that he gives me...
News Briefs: Convert Priest Reposes in Haiti
“When I look at the present state of things in the world I realize that Vladimir Putin is the sole defender of Christian civilization one can rely #8221; (President...
Quote for November 18
“It is easy to philosophize or theologize about pain but it is difficult to have a proper attitude towards pain when one experiences great pain oneself…In many cases people...
Quote for November 17
“Christ cast the merchants and con-artists and all their lot outside, along with all those who are attached to the goods of commerce… We must avoid evil actions with...
Quote for November 16
“We need peace in the Church, in the society, but we also need unity in order to do good one with another, and not one against another…Sin brings enmity,...
Quote for November 15
“Work with vigilance, simply and naturally, without anxiety, with joy and happiness, with a good disposition. And the divine grace will #8221; (St Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia)