Daily Devotional for September 3 – 9
Sunday Excerpts from Catholic St Josemaria Escriva in ‘Christ is Passing By’ this week Your human vocation is a part — and an important part — of your divine...
Orthodox Quote for September 2
“A person who rigorously arranges the world to accord with what makes him comfortable can get to a point where he is finally blinded, and it is too late....
Orthodox Quote for September 1
“Therefore it is needful for us to go to Church with a pure heart, that we may pray without anger and wrath, first of all asking for cleansing of...
Orthodox Quote for August 31
“Through repentance and practice of the virtues, however, we can recover the grace that God has already given us. Chipping away at the hardened muck of habitual sin, we...
Orthodox Quote for August 30
“…experienced Christians have already developed a skill, and many of their actions are stereotyped: the lists of sins that they bring to confession are very repetitive, they choose a...
Orthodox Quote for August 29
“I want to tell you that this magnificent event of the transfiguration has in a way been repeated many many millions of times over the last 2000 years. Each...
Orthodox Quote for August 28
“The more you suffer, the stronger your soul becomes, because God wants everyone to be saved and allows them to do what they can. So I’m learning to endure...
Orthodox Quote for August 27
“When we pray each one separately, we are weak. When we gather all together, however, then we become stronger and draw God’s compassion to a greater degree. The apostle...
Daily Devotional for August 27 – September 3
Sunday Luke 12: 49 “I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and...
Orthodox Quote for August 26
“We should not hasten to offer our own explanations of “difficult” passages, but should first try to familiarize ourselves with what the Holy Fathers have said about these passages,...