Orthodox Quote for August 25
“Letters cannot be written on air; they have to be inscribed on some material if they are to have any permanence. Similarly, we should weld our hard-won watchfulness to...
Orthodox Quote for August 24
“Orthodox Christians themselves so often discourage faith in their midst, waste precious time and God-given freedom, fail to conduct warfare against self-pity, self-justification, and self-satisfaction, and are even embarrassed...
Orthodox Quote for August 23
“…he told us of a spiritual struggler, who, when lying down to sleep would be besieged by demons that gave him unclean thoughts. To which he reacted by exclaiming:...
Orthodox Quote for August 22
“But as the end of the world draws near, many things are about to come upon us which were not before, to wit, changes in the air, and terrors...
Orthodox Quote for August 21
“That the poor suffer under the weight of the rich and that the weak have to fight for their rights against the strong is only to be expected. That...
Orthodox Quote for August 20
“We seem to love to fight, and that, in itself, should be a sign of deep brokenness in us. Our impulse to fight, to demand our rights, to “get...
Daily Devotional for August 20 – 26
Sunday Luke 12:13 Then one from the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14 But He said to him, “Man, who made Me...
Orthodox Quote for August 19
“Go to church to pray, and help whomever you can, but your main work should be your occupation in the world. Believers should be the salt of the earth,...
Orthodox Quote for August 18
“It can be generally said that the Mosaic Law dictates what to do and what not to do. However, in the Beatitudes, Christ spoke on a deeper level, of...
Orthodox Quote for August 17
“…humanism is in itself dangerously popular, because it is the religion of self-worship. Bowing down before humanity, it preaches the obvious attractions of self-exaltation, self-interest, self-flattery and self-indulgence, materialistically...