Daily Devotional for July 23 – 29
Sunday +++Assorted Scriptures and commentary this week 1 Timothy 1:1-17 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save...
Orthodox Quote for July 22
“Christian compromise in thought and word and negligence in deed have opened the way to the triumph of the forces of the absurd, of Satan, of Antichrist. The present...
Orthodox Quote for July 21
“Strive with all your might to bring your interior activity into accord with God, and you will overcome exterior passions.” (Abba Arsenius, ‘Sayings of the Desert Fathers’)
Orthodox Quote for July 20
“What does it mean to sanctify God in the heart? It means showing great reverence before Him unceasingly, always bearing in mind the thought of His omnipresence; being eager...
Orthodox Quote for July 19
“During the uttering and singing of prayers, the feeling comes when the person compels his mind to be attentive to the words and grasp with all his soul the...
Orthodox Quote for July 18
“One of the characteristics of candles is that they consume themselves until there is nothing remaining. This too is a profitable reminder for us—not only as symbolizing the Saints...
Orthodox Quote for July 17
“Especially for us, priests and monks, it is very important not to be political at all, because we offer our sacrifice to God, the Holy Liturgy, for the whole...
Orthodox Quote for July 16
“God gives us free will, either to do His will or to do our own, self-centered will. When we refuse to forgive others, we establish a wall between a forgiving...
Daily Devotional for July 16 – 22
Sunday Wisdom of Solomon 17: 1For great are thy judgments, and cannot be expressed: therefore unnurtured souls have erred. 2For when unrighteous men thought to oppress the holy nation; they...
Orthodox Quote for June 15
“If you do not feel pity for the sinner destined to suffer the pains of hellfire, it means that the grace of the Holy Spirit is not in you,...