Orthodox Quote for July 14
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. First He lays down humility as a foundation. Since Adam fell through pride, Christ raises us...
Orthodox Quote for July 13
“We may have felt that our faith was strong and could take us through any storm, but then we are blind-sided by something too big: the unexpected loss of...
Orthodox Quote for July 12
“We need to pass on the values of the Orthodox faith in the family and the community, to profess the true faith in the face of many errors that...
Orthodox Quote for July 11
“…the sly enemy of our soul does not remain inactive; nothing escapes his notice. For this scoundrel knows the inestimable value of time and endeavors through vain cares and...
Orthodox Quote for July 10
“When you accuse someone of being judgmental, you’re doing the same thing. Practice at all times compassion for those you disagree with. Try to understand their reasoning, which is...
Orthodox Quote for July 9
“To be humble means to consider ourselves deserving, for our sins, of every humiliation, injury, persecution, and even blows; and to be meek means to patiently endure injustice, abuse,...
Daily Devotional for July 9-16
Sunday Luke 10:21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the...
Orthodox Quote for July 8
“There are such people among Christians who are ashamed of miracles. Such Christians are ashamed of and deny Christ Himself; and He Himself will renounce them before His heavenly...
Orthodox Quote for July 7
“Many desire virtue, but fear to go forward in the way that leads to it, while others consider that virtue does not even exist. So it is necessary to persuade...
Orthodox Quote for July 6
“The less a person carries, the easier it is for him to climb and the higher he is able to climb. So, too, in order to ascend spiritually, it...