Orthodox Quote for July 4
“Studying the Old Testament in this liturgical way and using the Fathers to help us, everywhere we uncover signposts pointing forward to the mystery of Christ and of His...
Orthodox Quote for July 3
“When we are provoked by some injury or threatened harm, or moved to rage, we seek revenge as far as possible. When we are unable to obtain it, we...
Orthodox Quote for July 2
“When Christ “hungered,” as it is written, then the devil made his move to tempt him; for he was not wholly amazed at the fact of his fasting for...
Daily Devotional July 2 – 8
Sunday St. Silouan the Athonite says, “If you encounter hardship, say, ‘The Lord knows my heart, and if this is what pleases Him, then everything will be good for...
Orthodox Quote for July 1
“In general, many people are wasting away today. They are well-fed physically but are starving spiritually. Such people are not guided by the Divine Light and are therefore disoriented...
Orthodox Quote for June 30
“…if you want to learn to pray with desire, try to pray in spite of your unwillingness. In still other words, besides turning to God and showing gratitude for...
Orthodox Quote for June 29
“There are however preconditions for divine grace to come and dwell in a person. Only a person who has humility receives these gifts from God; he attributes them to...
Orthodox Quote for June 28
“At the time of the iconoclasts ten Christians who stoutly defended the icon of Christ at the Bronze Door of the palace in Constantinople were martyred for it. Now...
Orthodox Quote for June 27
“A wise man, intending to speak, first carefully considers what he is to say, and to whom he is to say it; also where and at what time. There...
Orthodox Quote for June 26
“If we ourselves are leading a conscious spiritual life, conducting the unseen warfare against our own fallen nature and against the demons who are against us, then we will...