Orthodox Quote for April 15
“Emulating Samson’s slothfulness, O my soul, thou hast been shorn of the glory of thy works, and through love of pleasure thou hast betrayed thy life to the alien...
Orthodox Quote for April 14
“Thought of the Dread Judgment produces a dispiriting impression on most people, even on those who both pray to God and reflect on the salvation of their souls. It...
Orthodox Quote for April 13
“Holy Relics are the earthly remains of those who have been taught by none other than Christ Himself to love their enemies even unto death, the death of the...
Orthodox Quote for April 12
“Fasting to an Orthodox Christian is what physical and mental exercise are to a professional athlete who aspires to win the big title and the trophy. Fasting of mind...
Orthodox Quote for April 11
“She always fasted until noon and was for the first time able to attend church services regularly. Her husband joined her in piety. In such a way is shown...
Orthodox Quote for April 10
“We forget that the Bible is above all the Scripture of the Church, and that it can be properly understood only by those who already believe and have been...
Orthodox Quote for April 9
“Believe in Jesus Christ, be baptized and you will be saved, and from this time forward the glory of your empire will be ensured as well as the triumph...
Daily Devotion for April 9-15 ~ Holy Week
Sunday Explanation of Holy Week from Fr Alexander Schmemann+ “Having fulfilled Forty Days… we ask to see the Holy Week of Thy #8221; With these words sung at Vespers...
Orthodox Quote for April 8
“The soul whose ears are open, hears and listens to God speaking and does what God commands. Truly, such a soul cannot but hear God and obey His commandments...
Orthodox Quote for April 7
“Now if for bare necessaries one is not to take thought, what pardon can we deserve, who take thought for things expensive? Or rather, what pardon can they deserve...